“Pri podnikaní nie si sám“
Canvas Business model

An active way to discover who your product is for; how and with whom you can put it on the market.
What you can do yourself and what you can get done by others.
The workshop is a way to get acquainted with the making of a Canvas and with a live exercise.
So we will work out a canvas for one of the attendees.
The canvas business model is a base for having a usable and effective description of your business.

The workshop held in English is given by René Marcel Ponneker. Dutchman.
Coach for small but fierce entrepreneurs, language coach and team trainer

Duration of the workshop: 2 hours

Price per person: € 7,50
Max. 12 attendees per workshop
Refreshments: Coffee, Tea, water

May the 9th

From 13:00 until 15:00

Coworking Cvernovka
5. poschodie kultúrno-kreatívneho centra Nová Cvernovka
(5th floor of the culture and creativity centre Nová Cvernovka)
Racianska 78
Bratislava 831 02
Oslovenie Pani Pán
      Your name
Názov firmy
      Company name
Ako dlho podnikáš
      How long you have a business
Druh podnikania
      What kind of business
Telefónne císlo
        Telephone number
Dalšie informácie
       Additional information

* = povinné / required field

Vstupné ( €7,50) sa platí pred workshopombr
The entrance fee ( €7,50) will be paid prior to the workshop

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